Monday, June 27, 2011

May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love

I was introduced to this sculpture while visitng my Grandparents at Noosa.
My Mum, Grandma and my gorgeous little cousins and I went for a drive to Cooroy to visit the bakery for afternoon tea and a look at the little boutique next door.
On our way back home my Mum and Grandma wanted to show me this sculpture because they knew I would love it. They were right (as usual) I do,  I love it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mission Statement

“I see women and girls connected with their own unique feminine beauty, honour and dignity!
Ladies of all ages, social stages and royal awareness, dressed in fine textures that elevate the environment.
These women are strong powerful females putting on their armour to take on the world.
Every piece of clothing is worn experiencing a feeling of being sacred & promotes a sense of celebration,
to move, to dance, to play, to sing and to confidently take the risk to love.
Everything important needs to be celebrated!
 Women and girls are a powerful force on the earth, mighty warriors clothed with strength and dignity.” 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's on the pages of your imagination.

James M Barrie (Peter Pan) let his imagination fly. He created worlds of adventure and inspired creative exploration.
This afternoon I made myself a pot of creme brulee tea and curled up to encounter "Finding Neverland", the movie. Every bit of me was delighted in the celebration of play.
The pure innocence of imagination taking flight and making something magical out of thin air, is inspirational.
The power of laughing and playing continues to move me.
I remember playing with my little sister. 
We would make apartments out of the steps on the staircase. Our books were walls of the cities we created for our little ponies. When I was in year 4 at primary school, I created a Fairy Club.
Together, with other little friends, we met on a Saturday morning in our garden, covered with glitter. We pretended to find fairies while filling our tummies with fairy bread. Maybe this is when I fell in love with the idea of tea under a tree? Perhaps it was while pretending to find tiny beautiful ladies who could fly.
James M Barrie was quoted saying "God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December".
I love remembering those times with my sister when we would create pages of imagination.
What's on the pages of your imagination? How did you play as a child?
I would love to read your story in the comments below.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Under a Tree Clothing Exchange Saturday 9th July 2011

A Pot of Tea Under a Tree
is thrilled to invite you to the latest
Under a Tree Clothing Exchange.

This is a lovely afternoon filled with gorgeous conversation, sweet music, tea drinking
and clothes swapping while making an impact in the lives of young Cambodian girls.

In March we raised the amount of money that is equivalent
to freeing four girls from prostitution.
Together we can make a difference.

Saturday 9th July
@ New Farm State Primary School
James Street, New Farm
2pm - 5pm
Tickets $30 online.
So we can cater for you.